
Wednesday 6 February 2013

Cinema to bring a change

For over 100 years cinema has immensely impacted Indian society. It has been an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for educating and entertaining citizens. As a matter of fact it is far ahead of any other media of mass communication in popularity and appeal. But this form of art, much that was once, seems to have lost its purpose. 
Vission for a positivechange.
Movies reach almost each and every nook of our society and they posses potential of mass influence. As human beings we easily fall under the spell of cinema and tend to act the way it shows. There were times, where films used to be a reflection of our society. But, sadly now they resort to showing only what is crowd-appealing, and refrain from showing reality. This brings forth an inevitable question, What should be the responsibility of young film makers?  Should they move along the path that has been laid before their feet? Or dare to take the ‘road less taken’?
It is comforting to know that young artistic minds of India have begun to realize the worth of cinema. They understand that it is high time we realize that films should not be just about logic less violence and women dancing around the trees, but a medium to generate social awareness and educating masses.  A film must begin with a need of changes, point out the flaws of our ways and then end with a hope; hope to fight those flaws.  
If I am not able to give an entertaining film to my audiences, I fail as a director. And if I am not able to convey any message of importance, I fail as an Indian citizen. So, I am bound to make entertaining films with purpose, as I don’t intend to fail on any account.” Says writer-director Pankaj Narayan.
Camera must show reality.
But why should you spend money and time to go watch a film which talks of social changes?  After all, movies are meant for fun, not social loathing!  Why should you watch a film that doesn’t entertain? As an answer to that question producer-director Apoorva Bajaj says, “It‘s a myth that films focusing on social issues are not entertaining.  Yes, it’s not easy to accomplish a film that entertains and shows reality at the same time. But it’s not impossible”.
So, there you have it! Making an entertaining Social film might be difficult, but young directors of India must take this ‘road less taken’ to bring positive changes in our society.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Ath Steps up for Indian Agriculture

'Land of Farmers' fighting for survival
It was 1990s when India woke up to a spate of farmers suicides.  The first state where suicides were reported was Maharashtra. And soon enough every media house began to report similar occurrences from all corners of the country. Land of farmers started to mourn the death of agriculture. Why? The million dollar question was now hanging over our heads.

Ath Entertainment began the quest to find out the root cause behind farmers suicides and dying agriculture. After a long research process, the answer was found-pesticides and artificial fertilizers.  Through the documentary film “Keetnashak”, Ath will unveil the problem that has plagued Indian agriculture for so long. It’s a documentary strictly for the enlightenment of Indian farmers. A New Year gift!

We struggled for so long to get to the bottom of it. Some said, it is the bank loans and some called it poor yielding. But we knew the problem is deeper.  And finally we caught the tiger by the tail”, said Pankaj Narayan.

'Jai Jawan, jai kishan'...lost in time...!
 The changing Indian economy pushed Indian farmers towards excessive use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Blinded by the high yielding of crops, farmers kept destroying their lands. Soon the lands lost their fertility, farmers lost their crops. The bank loans and borrowed money to buy seeds, pesticides and artificial fertilizers could no longer be paid back. Farmers could not take this pressure. Hence, suicide seemed easier.

This face has to change, but how? “keetnashak” also answers to this question. Organic farming is the only option fights this catastrophe. In fact, a certain group of farmers in the country are determined to turn the tables around. They have started using the natural fertilizers and natural pest controllers in their farms.  Farmers of ‘Hisar’, Hariyana are well aware of the dangers of using pesticides and chemicals and have turned towards natural ways.

Let’s hope “Keetnashak” will be accomplishing the mission it has ignited.  The documentary will be shown to the farmers all across the country. Let us believe that ‘Land of farmers’ will cherish it’s greenery once again. “Jai jwan, jai kishan’ will not remain a forgotten slogan.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

In Search of 'Potha'

Future of  India struggling for survival 
After the recent announcement about the short film ‘Potha’, Ath Entertainments has begun the caste and location hunting. “Potha” is a short film which will unveil the street life in the metro cities. It will show the plight and struggles of street children who are bound to a grim fate.  “We have to make it as real as possible, so it is best to explore the street life before we begin with the movie.” , said Producer Apoorva Bajaj.

Young Writer-Director Pankaj Narayan
Street children have been neglected by the society form the beginning. There is no concern, no compassion and no care whatsoever. “The closer you look, the clearer it gets. Lives of those dwelling on streets are far worse than imagined.” , she added.  As the research process is speeding up, many disturbing facts are surfacing. Who knows what else could be found!

Ath Production team is stalking each and every possible corner of Delhi in order to get the perfect locations. Young writer- director Pankaj Narayan is himself digging hard to get the best for his film. “We need such locations which will bring our story to life in a heartbeat. We can’t put anything to chance.” he said. 

It looks as though, we must be ready for our cheeks to get wet and our hearts to be filled with pain and remorse as ‘Potha’ is about to unfold the bitter truth of our society.  The brutality that has prevailed for so long will no longer be hidden under the veil.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Ath's new short film on Street Children

Who is responsible for them?
India is home to 400,000 - 800,000 street children. The seventh largest and second most populous country on the globe has the maximum number of child laborers in the world. Call it lack of political will, accelerating economy or intense poverty, India has the largest number of street kids. Where is government? Where are human rights?  

 As Ath Entertainment works on the documentary “Keetnashak” to aware the public and farmers about the harmful effects of pesticides, it has also stepped up for all neglected street children. Young writer-director Pankaj Narayan has announced to make a short film “Potha” on the very issue. “I feel it is our duty to raise social issues and bring them to light.” , he said. Eminent TV journalist and writer Anuraag Muskaan also extended his hands in support of the noble cause and wrote the screenplay and dialogues of “Potha”. He has also contributed a lot to the development of the story. 
"learning is not a play but it is best when learn while playing, similarly films are best ways to create social awareness, our efforts are the same" , said Anuraag Muskaan. 

Potha is the life story of a street child who struggles to survive in a metro city. He is torn and ripped by the unfair society, yet he survives. He is abused and tortured, yet he survives. This film will make you question your sanity. It will raise questions on the system. And above all it will make you search for humanity. “If a single child gets a better life because of this, It would feel like heaven to me” , said producer Apoorva Bajaj.  

Well known actor Hemant Pandey who will be seen in a very prominent role in the film said, “Street children are very much neglected and they must be put to justice. It feels great to be a part of this noble cause”.  

When we set out to make this film, we realized that we must dig a little deeper. And what we found was so disturbing…awful…” , Said Pankaj Narayan. According to a report in Mumbai alone, thousands of children are illegally employed by hotels, restaurants, canteens, tea shops, and
eating places. The situation is no different in any other metro city. As they lack protection from family and the law, employers often exploit them, making them virtual prisoners, sometimes with holding pay, and abusing them.
Dear god, where are all humans! 

 Let’s hope that “Potha” will make a difference. Let’s hope that there will be at least ‘one less street child’. 

Saturday 29 September 2012

Apoorva Bajaj-New Starlet added to the film Galaxy

Producer-Director Apoorva Bajaj

When dreams begin to take shape in open eyes and sky seems too close to touch, that’s when you know, you are meant to do something great in life.  Apoorva Bajaj -the director of ‘Ath Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.’ is such a person. She is a dreamer, visionary and passionate young lady. A bright new starlet added to the galaxy of film Industry.

She was born and brought up in Delhi. During her graduation and post-graduation in mass communication and film making, she worked for several NGOs as a reporter. She also worked in PR and Event Companies for some time. And then it was time to work on her dream, film making. Her first project as a film maker was “Anjaan”, a short film. “Khizaan” was her second short film which won award in international women’s film festival.

Every year a thousand of younglings enter the magical film industry, but only a few survive. “You have to be stubborn and passionate to survive the competition in film industry. There is no room for weakness, not in this industry…” , she said once in an interview.
Year 2012, Ath Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. was established, her very own production house.  Soon after, she organized Ballets Ganga Avtaran, Yog Yatra and Sajda as Producer. She worked as Associate director for “Savdhan India” on Life OK. She also produced the Advertisement for Patanjali Aayurveda Products.  She is currently working on a documentary film “Keetnashak” and has also started planning for a feature film which will be released next year, positively.

This might seem quite surprising to see such young lady attain a position in film Industry, but she is well deserved. “I have worked day and night to get here. And will continue to work hard until I reach the top. Let’s just say that this is the beginning” , says Apoorva.  After everything said and done, there is nothing more important than hard work, is it? 

Monday 24 September 2012

Ath on the floor of keetnashak

Pankaj Narayan and Apoorva Bajaj; Shooting For Keetnashak
Every single breath, every sip of water and every bite of food, is killing you inside! Your daily rice can make you paralyzed!  Your favorite fruit is more likely to give you cancer!  Scary as is sounds, it’s the tragic reality.  Pesticides and fertilizers used in cultivation of the crops are now cultivating diseases.
While shooting for the new documentary film “Keetnashak” in the farms of Hariyana, Ath Production team discovered the ugly truth about all farming practices in India. After knowing the deadly effects of pesticides and chemical fertilizers the whole team went alarmed. “When we set out to make this documentary, we were sure to find some bitter facts, but this is ugly or rather ugliest truth ever known”, said writer-director Pankaj Narayan.
Pesticides enter our bodies through dust and vapor, by consuming food and water and by direct contact of pesticides with skin. When they are sprayed onto food, especially fruits and vegetables, they secrete into soils and groundwater which can end up in drinking water. Also, pesticide spray can drift and pollute the air. Sure it feels like we are poisoning ourselves. And whatever we do, this killer will catch up to us.
The whole situation seems hopeless. Farmers are bound to use pesticides, no matter what. And we are compelled to eat the poisonous food. I wish situation could change a little, I wish” , said producer Apoorva Bajaj.

Producer Apoorva Bajaj; In the fields of Hisar (Hariyana)
 Well, situation may seem hopeless, but there is always a silver line above the clouds. A certain group of farmers in the country are determined to turn the tables around. They have started using the natural fertilizers and natural pest controllers in their farms.  Farmers of ‘Hisar’, Hariyana are well aware of the dangers of using pesticides and chemicals and have turned towards natural ways.

Organic food is the only way to have a healthy life. Now farmers can give us pesticide free organic food and we should get on with it without delay. Doctor’s den or healthy life, we have to decide” ,Said Trilok Sharma, Social worker.   

During the whole research process Ath team also discovered about “Jaivik Chaubutra”, a platform for farmers which provides assistance in creating natural fertilizes and pest controllers from easily available recourses. “Jaivik chaubutra is very effective and beneficial for one and all. Farmers can save money, and we can save our livies”, said Ketan Ramavat, actor.

Once every farmer starts natural practices, India will be the healthiest place on earth. Let’s hope this beautiful vision turn to be true someday. 

Saturday 15 September 2012

Ath honors Sandeep Marwah

Writer director Pankaj Narayan Honoring Sandeep Marwah, Chairman AAFT 
Young writer director Pankaj Narayan and producer director Apoorva Bajaj on behalf of Ath Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Honored Sandeep Marwah, Chairman AAFT for his untiring efforts in the world of cinema and congratulated him for AAFT Festival
 of Short Digital Films for being the only festival which has touched the 75th edition in the World. For being the only festival which happened four times in a year. The festival has given golden opportunity to 1100 new directors from to show case their debut films in last 19 years of its existence.

Sandeep Marwah also wished Ath for its Upcoming projects and appreciated the young team for their hard working spirit.

Sandeep Marwah is a man of records, there is a parallel film industry emerging in Delhi in which is lead by him. He is an inspiration for youth and an icon for young film makers. He always appreciates a young talent and also provides them a learning and performing platform Said Pankaj Narayan

Ath Entertainment expresses gratitude for his kind support and admiration.