
Wednesday 6 February 2013

Cinema to bring a change

For over 100 years cinema has immensely impacted Indian society. It has been an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for educating and entertaining citizens. As a matter of fact it is far ahead of any other media of mass communication in popularity and appeal. But this form of art, much that was once, seems to have lost its purpose. 
Vission for a positivechange.
Movies reach almost each and every nook of our society and they posses potential of mass influence. As human beings we easily fall under the spell of cinema and tend to act the way it shows. There were times, where films used to be a reflection of our society. But, sadly now they resort to showing only what is crowd-appealing, and refrain from showing reality. This brings forth an inevitable question, What should be the responsibility of young film makers?  Should they move along the path that has been laid before their feet? Or dare to take the ‘road less taken’?
It is comforting to know that young artistic minds of India have begun to realize the worth of cinema. They understand that it is high time we realize that films should not be just about logic less violence and women dancing around the trees, but a medium to generate social awareness and educating masses.  A film must begin with a need of changes, point out the flaws of our ways and then end with a hope; hope to fight those flaws.  
If I am not able to give an entertaining film to my audiences, I fail as a director. And if I am not able to convey any message of importance, I fail as an Indian citizen. So, I am bound to make entertaining films with purpose, as I don’t intend to fail on any account.” Says writer-director Pankaj Narayan.
Camera must show reality.
But why should you spend money and time to go watch a film which talks of social changes?  After all, movies are meant for fun, not social loathing!  Why should you watch a film that doesn’t entertain? As an answer to that question producer-director Apoorva Bajaj says, “It‘s a myth that films focusing on social issues are not entertaining.  Yes, it’s not easy to accomplish a film that entertains and shows reality at the same time. But it’s not impossible”.
So, there you have it! Making an entertaining Social film might be difficult, but young directors of India must take this ‘road less taken’ to bring positive changes in our society.